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Vanguard vs Nease

http://youtu.be/ywbhMmqtxe8 December 28th, 2:00pm - Vanguard vs Nease - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 3, Game 4)

Basha vs Williston

http://youtu.be/P_8N0htkUow December, 28th, 9:00am - Basha vs Williston - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 3, Game 1)

Montverde vs North Clayton

http://youtu.be/XAmstqeaCYY December 27th, 8:00pm - Montverde vs North Clayton - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 2, Game 4)

Basha vs Leesburg

http://youtu.be/SsuSm5mWncw December 27th, 6:30pm - Basha vs Leesburg - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 2, Game 3)

Holmes County vs Nease

http://youtu.be/DcL2oGe3_Gw December 27th, 2:00pm - Holmes County vs Nease - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 2, Game 1)

Trinity Catholic vs Vanguard

http://youtu.be/o5srzf6_E4Q December 26th, 8:00pm - Trinity Catholic vs Vanguard - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 1, Game 4)

Blanche Ely vs Tampa Catholic

http://youtu.be/YRlS1xdxVg0 December 26th, 6:30pm - Blanche Ely vs Tampa Catholic - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 1, Game 3)

North Marion vs Olympia

http://youtu.be/HK7LV7jXff0 December 26th, 3:30pm - North Marion vs Olympia - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 1, Game 2)

Lake Highland Prep vs Lake Weir

http://youtu.be/yYgxxoGkHBM December 26th, 2:00pm - Lake Highland Prep vs  Lake Weir - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 1, Game 1)

Dwyer vs Williston

http://youtu.be/kRyAO0PQwBE December 27th, 3:30pm - Dwyer vs Williston - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 2, Game 2)

St. John Lutheran at Oak Hall

http://youtu.be/5n3BThOu4q4 November 11th, 2011 - One of the crazier games you will ever see. Calib Alexander 450+ yards rushing and 8 TDs. Jared Armstrong 400+ yards...

PK Yonge at Keystone Heights

http://youtu.be/VJitcU4xWMA November 10, 2011 - Football game between the PK Yonge Blue Wave and the Keystone Heights Indians.