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Hitchcock’s Challenge 2015 | Basketball



**We have experienced internet issues during the tournament and have scaled down our audio coverage. We apologize for any inconvenience.**  Broadcasts in bold.  Click on each game to listen to the broadcast.  The games are also available at www.floridacast.com

Score updates on Twitter @theprepzone #HitchcocksChallenge & Facebook.

Link to 2014 Tournament

Hitchcock’s Challenge, Dec. 26-29

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The other option for windows users is to click the “WMP Player” once you access the broadcast on Chrome. This will play the broadcast in your standalone windows media player if that is available on your computer.

Tuesday, December 29
Newberry 59, Suwannee (Live Oak) 56
Columbia (Lake City) 58, Williston 51
Foundation Academy (Winter Garden) 68, Dixie County (Cross City) 62
Santa Fe (Alachua) 42, Eastside (Gainesville) 39
Brooks DeBartolo (Tampa) 62, Scarsdale (NY) 60
Wekiva (Apopka) 50, West Gadsden (Greensboro) 47 
Pearl Cohn (TN) 77, Archbishop McCarthy (SW Ranches) 58 – 3rd-Place game
Sickles 56, Apopka 46 – Gryphons (15-1) tournament champions

Monday, December 28 
Williston 58, Suwannee (Live Oak) 54
Columbia (Lake City) 46, Newberry 40
Brooks DeBartolo (Tampa) 73, Foundation Academy (Winter Garden) 31
Scarsdale (NY) 64, Dixie County (Cross City) 46
West Gadsden (Greensboro) 48, Eastside (Gainesville) 45
Wekiva (Apopka) 56, Santa Fe (Alachua) 39
Apopka 70, Archbishop McCarthy (SW Ranches) 50
Sickles (Tampa) 66, Pearl Cohn (TN) 48

Sunday, December 27
Dixie County (Cross City) 66, Columbia (Lake City) 64
Brooks DeBartolo (Tampa) 97, Williston 58
Scarsdale (NY) 61, Newberry 42
Foundation Academy (Winter Garden) 58, Suwannee (Live Oak) 53
Sickles 61, Wekiva (Apopka) 36
Apopka 50, Eastside (Gainesville) 38
Archbishop McCarthy (SW Ranches) 69, West Gadsden (Greensboro) 44
Pearl Cohn (TN) 82, Santa Fe (Alachua) 81

Saturday, December 26 (Day 1 video highlights TV20)
Sickles (Tampa) 73, Dixie County (Cross City) 36
Wekiva (Apopka) 48, Columbia (Lake City) 39
West Gadsden (Greensboro) 59, Foundation Academy (Winter Garden) 44
Eastside (Gainesville) 83, Brooks DeBartolo (Tampa) 68
Apopka 61, Williston 22
Archbishop McCarthy (SW Ranches) 93, Suwannee (Live Oak) 54
Pearl Cohn (TN) 75, Newberry 47
Santa Fe (Alachua) 56, Scarsdale (NY) 55

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