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2014 Hitchcock’s Challenge at Santa Fe – Broadcasts & Scores


hitchcocks_web_logoA total of 31 games were broadcast ‘live’ and ‘archived’ during the 2014 tournament (Audio only). Click on each game to listen to the broadcast. The games are also available at www.floridacast.com

Link to 2015 Tournament 

Quarter by quarter updates on Twitter @ridaught #HitchcocksChallenge

Friday, Dec. 26
Suwannee (Live Oak) 76, Dixie County (Cross City) 44
Columbia (Lake City) 67, St. Francis Catholic (Gainesville) 42
Eastside (Gainesville) 62, Hilliard 21
Foundation Academy (Winter Garden) 53, Bell 42
Hawthorne 64, East Gadsden (Havana) 25
Archbishop McCarthy (Southwest Ranches) 79, Union County (Lake Butler) 44
Brooks-DeBartolo (Tampa) 82, Pearl Cohn (TN) 75

Saturday, Dec. 27
St. Francis Catholic (Gainesville) 73, Bell 60 (Game #9)
Hilliard 58, Union County (Lake Butler) 57 (Game #10)
Dixie County (Cross City) 78, Santa Fe JV 57 (Game #11)
Pearl Cohn (TN) 77, East Gadsden (Havana) 40 (Game #12)
Columbia (Lake City) 69, Foundation Academy (Winter Garden) 54 (Game #13)
Archbishop McCarthy (SW Ranches) 61, Eastside (Gainesville) 57 (Game #14)
Hawthorne 69, Brooks-DeBartolo (Tampa) 59 (Game #15)
Suwannee (Live Oak) 75, Santa Fe (Alachua) 64 (Game #16)

Monday, Dec. 29
East Gadsden (Havana) 59, Union County (Lake Butler) 56 (Game #17)
Bell 55, Dixie County (Cross City) 49 (OT) (Game #18)
Pearl Cohn (TN) 76, Hilliard 35 (Game #19)
St. Francis Catholic (Gainesville) 78, Trenton 57 (Game #20)
Brooks-DeBartolo (Tampa) 75, Eastside (Gainesville) 74 (Game #21)
Santa Fe (Alachua) 67, Foundation Academy (Winter Garden) 36 (Game #22)
Archbishop McCarthy (SW Ranches) 73, Hawthorne 63 (Game #23)
Suwannee (Live Oak) 60, Columbia (Lake City) 52 (Game #24)

Tuesday, Dec. 30
East Gadsden (Havana) 67, Dixie County (Cross City) 55 (Game #25)
Bell 69, Union County (Lake Butler) 52 (Game #26)
Hilliard 61, Trenton 58 (Game #27)
Eastside (Gainesville) 54, Foundation Academy (Winter Garden) 39 (Game #28)
Pearl Cohn (TN) 70, St. Francis Catholic (Gainesville) 45 (Game #29)
Brooks-DeBartolo (Tampa) 86, Santa Fe (Alachua) 59 (Game #30)
Columbia (Lake City) 69, Hawthorne 62 (Game #31)
Archbishop McCarthy (SW Ranches) 81, Suwannee (Live Oak) 73 (Game #32) – CHAMPIONSHIP

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