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Tag: Basketball

Lake Highland Prep vs Olympia

http://youtu.be/NZ2qwNypBnU December 30th, 1:30pm - Lake Highland Prep vs Olympia - Kingdom of the Sun (5th Place Game)

Basha vs Vanguard

http://youtu.be/to6XCLPEcN0 December 30th, 12:00pm - Basha vs Vanguard - Kingdom of the Sun (Consolation Championship)

Blanche Ely vs Trinity Catholic

http://youtu.be/JjGeqcWweVs December 29th, 7:00pm - Blanche Ely vs Trinity Catholic - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 4, Game 5)

Lake Highland Prep vs Leesburg

http://youtu.be/1gG2HVfL82Y December 29th, 3:00pm - Lake Highland Prep vs Leesburg - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 4, Game 3)

Vanguard vs North Marion

http://youtu.be/PqT0AkTTC-c December 29, 1:30pm - Vanguard vs North Marion - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 4, Game 2)

Basha vs North Clayton

http://youtu.be/kaeAFkU9Law December 29, 12:00pm - Basha vs North Clayton - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 4, Game 1)

Blanche Ely vs Olympia

http://youtu.be/LLvtDTNJQcY December 28th, 9:00pm - Blanche Ely vs Olympia - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 3, Game 8)

Trinity Catholic vs Holmes County

http://youtu.be/1kFOzU8u-lI December 28th, 7:30pm - Trinity Catholic vs Holmes County - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 3, Game 7)

Montverde vs Highland Prep

http://youtu.be/z1YdeYAIjVo December 28th, 6:00pm - Montverde vs Highland Prep - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 3, Game 6)

Dwyer vs Leesburg

http://youtu.be/KPWnQu_Opv0 December 28th, 3:30pm - Dwyer vs Leesburg - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 3, Game 5)

Vanguard vs Nease

http://youtu.be/ywbhMmqtxe8 December 28th, 2:00pm - Vanguard vs Nease - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 3, Game 4)

Basha vs Williston

http://youtu.be/P_8N0htkUow December, 28th, 9:00am - Basha vs Williston - Kingdom of the Sun (Day 3, Game 1)

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